Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Guidelines

The criteria that are followed by our Content Team to accept a new contributor on FXStreet are:


FXStreet has strong quality and style content requirements. We are committed to providing high-quality financial information to our users and we are convinced that our strictness made the FXStreet brand so respected nowadays, and so your content will be.


  • Language Skills: Perfect command of the language, style, grammar and structure
  • Subject: Clear and correct analysis/research, no superficial or imprecise treatment
  • Visuals: Including pictures/charts to illustrate the analysis is positively valued – in webinars, it is compulsory to include visuals to support your speech
  • Content: Original, interesting, creative, data mining


Such practices will not be accepted:

  • Defaming content against other authors or theories to gain credibility
  • Misleading language, a promise of benefit, easy money
  • Copyright disrespectful, avoiding to quote original sources

See our Ethical Code to know more about this point.


We expect the contributor to be regular, responsive and stick to his commitment. Your regularity will also be appreciated by the audience: you will gain loyal followers.

Submit your Contribution Request

Become a Contributor

FXStreet is in close collaboration with dozens of contributors and service providers from virtually every corner of the Forex universe. To continuously improve our services, we are always in search of new contributors with high-quality analysis and content to feed our website and give the best information to our users, the Forex traders. Collaborating with us, you will be part one of the most trusted source of Forex information website, who has been leading the way since 2000. With an audience of 1 million unique users every month on the English website alone, FXStreet will be your partner in making your a name and fame with the Forex traders, beginners or experienced.

Several opportunities of contribution are available and we invite you to study all the options. The more you do on FXStreet, the more exposure you’ll gain!

Here are some examples:


Publish your analysis articles, be it fundamental or technical analysis, trading ideas or forecast. We mainly cover Forex and Cryptocurrencies, but also related markets as stocks, equities or commodities.

Experts Forecast Currencies Poll

A pool of selected traders and analysts gives us their targets for the major currencies for the week, month and quarter to come. They also indicate the whole trend in these periods. You can join the pool of experts and be part of our sentiment table. Have a look at the Forecast Poll.

How to start?

Check our Editorial Guidelines below and our Ethical Code, then send us an email with your contribution proposal. We will answer you as soon as possible.