Marc Chandler

Marc Chandler

Global Head of Currency Strategy Marc to Market

Best New Contributor

  • Combines technical and fundamental analysis in his daily analysis.
  • Often offers non-consensus views, drawing arguments from other disciplines, including history, political science, and game theory.
  • Author of two books, “Making Sense of the Dollar” (2009) and “Political Economy of Tomorrow” (2017).
  • Experience
    Marc Chandler's first job out of school was with a newswire and he covered currency futures and Eurodollar and Tbill futures. Within a couple years he became an analyst and worked at some consulting firms, joining a hedge fund in the early 1990s and then a few banks, as Deutsche Bank, Mellon, HSBC and Brown Brothers Harriman. In October 2018, he joined a small fx boutique, Bannockburn Global FX as a managing market and chief market strategist. While always writing commentary, my role in sales, trading, branding, and customer contact varied by institution.
    For many years, he taught at New York University's Center for Global Affairs. Marc also guest lectured at Darden Business School, and has led graduate seminars at Fordham. Most recently, he taught a class on international business at the Bureau of Manhattan Community College. He has given guest lecture at more than a dozen universities and colleges.

    In his work, Marc Chandler is primarily interested in FX, but he also considers other capital markets being important too. I combine technical and fundamental approaches, but I also draw from my understanding of history, philosophy, game theory, and policy analysis. I really think what I do is political economy.

    Marc Chandler's work is picked up in numerous places as Foreign Affairs, Barrons, the Financial Times, Euromoney, Corporate Finance. He speaks at conferences, industry associations, and often appear on CNBC, Blooomberg TV and Radio, and Fox Business.

    Marc Chandler has written two books. The first was published by Bloomberg Press and win a Bronze Award from Independent Publishers. It is called Making Sense of the Dollar. It discusses the foreign exchange market and the dollar drivers. It was published in 2009, as the financial crisis erupted. It anticipated a secular dollar rally.
    His second book, Political Economy of Tomorrow (Februrary 2017) pulls together macro ideas that he has been working on since grad school. It's a reflexion about the implication that scarcity has been solved and our biggest challenges come from too much not too little. “We move in a world that old King Midas would have recognized... we are choking on our own successes”.

    Marc Chandler is a liberal arts grounded graduate. As an undergraduate, he first attended Shimer, a Great Books school, but it was having problems and after his first year he transferred to North Central College, a strong liberal arts school in a suburb of Chicago. He majored in political science and humanities (history, religion, philosophy). He went on to do a Masters in American History at Northern Illinois University. His work took him into the 20th century, which naturally took him into international relations. He did another master at the University of Pittsburgh at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, where he concentrated in international political economy.