Nikolaos Akkizidis

Nikolaos Akkizidis

Compliance Officer, Economist LegacyFX

Mr Nikolaos Akkizidis is an economist, with 20+ years of experience in multiple roles in the financial sector. He is the author of a book on finance and has published numerous papers and articles regarding investment risk management strategies and economic policy issues. Mr Akkizidis estimates that in the coming decades, investment portfolios and risk managers will become the crucial decision-makers and, as a result, they will become the essential entities for policymaking worldwide. Everyone involved with the whole range of investments, from business, traders to fund managers, will play an important role, as they are the ones who will manage the major Global Challenges facing the world. Global Challenges Include Critical Investments to Benefit People worldwide, from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Environmental Sustainability, the New Socioeconomics, the Innovative Productivity Models and Business Development, the Critical Issues in Managing New Ethics, and the new rules for Global Governance, since a New Geopolitical map is formed. In this light, and with the exploration of the new economic environment, which emerged after the 2008 financial crisis, Mr Akkizidis introduces new criteria for assessing companies, asset classes and countries and an innovative approach to risk and investment trading strategies. The goal is to create a New Prosperous World, while traders and fund managers will improve their investment portfolios.
Since 2019 Nikolaos Akkizidis has been working at Forex company, LegacyFX as Economist and Compliance Officer.